0736847681 Via Ascenziani, 19 - Amandola (FM)

Real estate evaluate

Dearcustomer, wouldyoulike to sell yourpropertybut do notknow the right price? No problem, we can help you ,you just have to fill in the formbelow and within 3 daysyouwillreceive the valuation online, with no obligation.

Ifyou are satisfied , youcouldenchargeour agency to sell yourproperty and wewillguarantee an inspection to check the value, take photos and make a 360° video, wewill investigate the relatingpaperwork , advertyourreal estate on more than 30 Italian and  foreignwebportalsaswellas in our website atwww.aegrealestate.com , translated in 4 languages (Italian, English, Portoguese, Russian) and the samewill be shared with the group of assocatiedagencies in the districts of Fermo, Ascoli Piceno and Macerata.

Wewill help to shorten the “red tape” and wewill assist youuntil the signing of the finaldeed, guanteeing a safe and cerfifiedpurchase.

The service isonlyavailable in the districts of Ascoli Piceno, Fermo and Macerata.

In order to make a propervaluation, wewouldyou to providefurtherdetailsasfollows:

  • Owner’sName, Surname, date of birthand tax code number
  • Business name, vatnumber, legalrepresentativeif the propertybelongs to a Company
  • Location of the property
  • Age and constraints
  • Use destination
  • Energeticclass
  • Photos and floorplans


For any information, do nothesitate to get in touch with usat 0736 847681 335 427677 or pleasefill in the formbelow and wewill call you back assoonaspossible.


Choose where to look
Type - Multichoice

Total Square Meters

Minimum rooms
Minimum bathdrooms
Other options - Multichoice